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I’ve been rather absent lately, OBVIOUSLY, as my last post was quite some time ago.

The quick update?

Spring 2010 yielded nine baby goats in total, five boys, four girls; I’m keeping one doeling, Falafel who was a triplet out of Waffle. Twins Bridget and Gidget still are looking for homes as is Falafel’s sister Taziki, all the boys have left as did one mom, so goal for winter 2010 is just five goats; Falafel, Waffle, Hula, Picante and Acorn. I’m still working at the paper like crazy, writing real estate offers, battling the dirty dishes in the sink and hoping that my FREAKING TOMATOES will turn red, despite the weird cool weather. Garden is flourishing otherwise, as are windowsill plants. Updated photos soon, I pinkie swear!

On a more exciting note, my website design knowledge has increased about 100x since we last…spoke and I have been feverishly working away at two sites;  my personal budding photography business, and an online business endeavor with Josh, – the first of which I just finally completed today, the latter, well, it’s still in progress.

Go take a peek, at mine tho, eh?  🙂